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4 years ago

Special thanks to drone operator Ryan Moore who came out with us to try to locate a beaver dam between an intersection of a couple creek tributaries, after a nursing mama was hit and killed. Sadly, ... See more

4 years ago

**drone operator found!**

SOS! Looking for someone to fly a drone tomorrow morning or as soon as possible, in the Marble Falls area, to help with a special animal rescue.

We’re having battery ... See more

4 years ago
World Bird Sanctuary

In case you need a familiar example of how far you should stand from each other...

Thanks to
For this image!

4 years ago
Hye Rum

We are so very thankful for local community, and the awesome folks over at Hye Rum distillery that converted over into producing hand sanitizer!

Our staff was super excited to take some sanitizer to Wild Things Rescue Ranch! #wildthingsrescueranch They said it’s baby time and are thinking of naming some babies after our drinks! We think ... See more

4 years ago

Word got out in the animal community and now they just come directly to us for help! Last season, birds were moving hatched babies of all ages into our home through an open window, then leaving them ... See more

4 years ago

Big shout out to top Hill Country chef Bryan Gillenwater, of Bryanson290 in Johnson City, for quickly taking action to help us round up supplies we need to keep our rescue operations running. Baby ... See more

4 years ago
Photos from Wild Things Rescue Ranch's post

SOS! Babies are rolling in and we need help with supplies we can’t find in stores. We stocked up on medical supplies ahead of baby season, but sanitation and cleaning supplies we are OUT of! We ... See more

4 years ago

In search of: property owners in the hill country area who don’t mind having healthy deer, usually the season’s orphans, released on their property.

Requirements: 100 acre minimum, no hunting, ... See more

4 years ago

We interrupt your regular pandemic programming to bring you JOY!

These non-releasable yearling boys have settled into their new enclosure we funded and built last summer, thanks to YOU! Damascus, ... See more

4 years ago

Birthday fundraisers! As we prepare for those spring babies to roll in, we want to remind everyone that you can celebrate your special day while supporting a great cause! Find us on Facebook’s ... See more

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